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Kerrie Noor

author : Kerrie Noor

Kerrie creates for fun and for readers who like hope with a quirky, twist. A mature woman who has been around the block too many times to count; Kerrie doesn’t ‘beat around the bush’ when it comes to her characters. ​\n\n‘I like 'em earthy, ordinary and believable. I like to throw them in at the deep end and see what comes up, hopefully, a surprise for everyone.’​\n\n​In her spare time Kerrie likes to paint pictures of round women, and dance under the influence of a glass of bubble- often accompanied by storytelling and the odd joke. Kerrie has, in the past inflicted her quirky style of humor on many- including the Edinburgh free fringe, community radio, several rest homes and pretty much anyone who sits still long enough to listen. \n\nShe regularly blogs comic tales of A Writer's Life and The Diary Of An Android at, which she calls \

Kerrie Noor Book Series